Monday, March 21, 2016

Week 6: Contamination

Although this week I wanted to continue focusing on the effects of statistical analysis in production, there was a problem in the hydration tanks. Rust has contaminated about a week’s worth of hydrated parts. The problem is that rust can cause significant problems if inside a battery, especially if rust is found near the battery seal’s vent. Because of this we examined boxes of battery seals to determine whether they were contaminated with rust. Although it wasn’t the most exciting week, I was still able to learn valuable information.

I also analyzed defects in particular parts. Certain parts were slightly deformed to the point where cosmetically they were unappealing however they were still functionally sound. However there were other parts that were deformed with flash issues to the point where they were unable to function. We had to separate the deformed parts from the flash parts so the customer can determine whether they still want to buy the parts. Next week I look forward to focusing more on the statistical part of the problem


  1. What does learning if a battery seal is contaminated with rust actually teach you?
    Cool that you get to study statistics in part of this project.

  2. Hi Nikhil!

    What did you have to do in response to the rust? Just replace the parts?
